PT Rafa Topaz Utama memberikan Promosi untuk produk-produk berikut:
Nama Produk : Norma Icon 3 Hematology Analyzer and Accessories
Nomor Produk : 4815000187-AK1-000465946
Harga Asli : Rp158.378.000,-
Harga Promosi : Rp 107.000.000,-
* Harga Promo berlaku mulai tanggal 20 Februari s.d 30 Juni 2023
Tentang produk:
The Icon-3 is a smart, 3-part differential hematology analyzer that sets new standards in terms of features, functions and style. This iconic laboratory device combines cutting edge technology with a fresh and elegant design. The Icon-3 provides a 22-parameter complete cell blood count report that includes histograms for WBC, RBC and PLT.
What makes this device special and innovative is its microfluidics technology that enables to reduce reagent consumption by approximately 75% compared to other analyzers on the market. Furthermore, the Icon-3 has not only one of the smallest dimensions (280 x 216 x 320 mm) within its class, but it measures capillary blood samples as well, which allows it to be used in Emergency Departments, Pediatrics Departments, in ICUs or in private clinics. The Norma Icon-3 has definitely changed the hematology landscape: there is no other analyzer like the Icon.
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