
Promo Produk Alat Kesehatan Dari PT Mega Global Pratama

PT Mindray Medical Indonesia Resources memberikan Promosi untuk produk-produk berikut:

Nama Produk      : Ganshorn ScoutTube
Nomor Produk     : 4815006042-FKS-034667078
Harga Asli           : Rp 2.097.900,-
Harga Promosi  : Rp 1.573.425,-

* Promo ini berlaku untuk pembelian 200 Dus (@50 pcs) = 10.000 pcs

* Promo ini berlaku mulai tanggal 12 Desember 2022 s.d 12 November 2023

* Promo ini berlaku selama persediaan masih ada


Tentang produk:

ScoutTube is the mouthpiece of SpiroScout. It is easy to use and 100% hygienic, as you simply change it with every patient and get started. Using the ScoutTube allows to measure without added resistance (from a filter). It suits all ages from children to adults, at all levels of health.

ScoutTubes are permeable to ultrasound but not to bacteria or viruses. Contamination of the devices is therefore not possible.

Tentang Perusahaan:

PT. MEGA GLOBAL PRATAMA is a well established company specialized in medical equipment, laundry and kitchen with a fast range of product.

We are committed to provide high quality product and continuously improve service for our customer. We also have a close cooperation with our principals to reach mutual benefit.

The distribution and marketing activity is supported by professional expert and well trained-experienced technicians. PT. MEGA GLOBAL PRATAMA is also supported by a fast network of authorized distributors and representatives throughout Indonesia. This will also ensure the marketing and distribution of our product to every part of Indonesia.

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